A diabetic performs a pin-prick test.

Breakthrough artificial intelligence developed in Queensland could improve insulin dosing for diabetics and transform the way aeroplane engine wear and tear is monitored.

25 March 2019
A plains-wanderer

A successful rabbit cull two decades ago has had unforeseen consequences, with a study finding wedge-tailed eagles are now preying on one of Australia’s rarest birds.

19 March 2019
A paddock showing a large tract of pasture dieback.

University of Queensland researchers trying to pinpoint the mystery killer behind ‘pasture dieback’ find their research is fascinating – but they would much prefer to watch grass grow.

28 February 2019
Physicists have created a new technique to make the observation of quantum movement much easier

When scientists examine very small and swift objects they see the laws of physics working wildly differently than in the everyday “normal-sized” world.

27 February 2019
A bird stands on the shore.

Research has shown that international cooperation has been critical in protecting migratory shorebirds in the Asia Pacific, but ongoing challenges exist.

21 February 2019
Quantum physicist Dr Jacqui Romero

University of Queensland quantum physicist Dr Jacqui Romero has been selected as a L’Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talent for 2019.

14 February 2019
A turtle on the sand

A trial of ways to cool turtle nests is underway in Queensland’s Far North as global warming threatens turtle populations throughout the tropics.

11 February 2019
A brightly coloured fish swims over a coral from the "twilight zone'.

Corals lurking in deeper, darker waters could one day help to replenish shallow water reefs under threat from ocean warming and bleaching events, according to researchers.

6 February 2019

Researchers have identified how a fungal skin infection is wiping out our native frog species at an alarming rate.

30 January 2019

Baby birds and eggs are on the menu for at least 94 species of animals in Australia’s forests and woodlands, according to new research from The University of Queensland.

24 January 2019
Vampire bat

Vampire bats could hold the key to new treatments for a range of serious medical problems, but researchers have hit a snag accessing the specimens needed to advance their work.

15 January 2019