UQ's Ipswich campus
UQ's Ipswich campus
11 April 2014

An agreement between The University of Queensland (UQ) and the University of Southern Queensland (USQ) is likely to lead to increased tertiary education opportunities in Ipswich.

The universities have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding to consider how USQ could develop its operations in Ipswich through the UQ campus.

UQ Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj said discussions between the universities centred on the provision of relevant, high-quality educational opportunities for the Ipswich region.

The agreement could lead to UQ transferring the Ipswich campus to USQ as early as next year.

It would not mean an end to UQ’s involvement with Ipswich, with current intentions to continue key features such as the UQ Health Care GP superclinic on campus.

“Our discussions are focussed on diversifying program choices and ensuring the range of programs offered meets the employability needs of local business and industry,” Professor Høj said.

“It is central to the long-term economic health and sustainability of Queensland that the communities of the south west Brisbane region have access to a range of educational opportunities.

“USQ and UQ have different missions and different strengths, and we need to explore how we can increase access to university education in the Ipswich region.

“It may be that the two universities can deliver more for the state and its people by this collaboration.”

Professor Høj said there would be no detriment to UQ Ipswich students, and they would have the opportunity to complete their studies with UQ.

University of Southern Queensland Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas said the two universities had been discussing options throughout 2013.

“We hope to cement long-term solutions that will develop new pathways into higher education for those living within the catchment area of the Ipswich campus,” Professor Thomas said.

“UQ will look to transfer buildings and facilities at the campus to USQ, allowing courses to be put in place to address the workforce and skills needs in Ipswich.

“USQ and UQ are now working collaboratively on a detailed planning and due diligence phase and, once completed, both universities will consider the possible transfer.

“It is anticipated that this second phase will be completed by mid-2014.”

Professor Thomas said a USQ presence at Ipswich would provide strong synergies with USQ Springfield and allow USQ to grow and increase higher education opportunities in the fast growing Western Corridor region.

“The wonderful facilities of the Ipswich Campus would allow USQ to focus more of its resources on the student experience rather than duplicating existing infrastructure,” Professor Thomas said.

“The future focus for Ipswich will be about strengthening the use of the campus by broadening enrolments, diversifying program choice and ensuring the range of programs available through the campus continues to meet the employability needs of local business and industry.”

Media contact: UQ Carolyn Varley, 0413 601 248, c.varley@uq.edu.au; USQ Director of Corporate Communications Dr Aidan Bourke, 0412 647 004, aidan.burke@usq.edu.au.