8 June 2012

Three alumni associated with The University of Queensland were named 2012 "Queensland Greats" at a ceremony yesterday as part of Queensland Week celebrations.

The 2012 "Queensland Greats" included medical educator Emeritus Professor Ken Donald AO, environmentalist and businessman Sir Sydney Schubert, and business and community leader Terry White AO.

In addition, the Vice-Patron of UQ Sport, Mrs Daphne Pirie AO, MBE, was named a Queensland Great.

“These extraordinary people have been selected from a wide variety of fields and each has an inspiring story to tell,” Premier Campbell Newman said.

"Their dedication and commitment to the community has played a significant role in the development of our state."

Emeritus Professor Donald is a UQ MBBS alumnus whose career has spanned over 40 years in medical practice, health policy and medical education.

He was Professor and Head of the School of Medicine from 2000 to 2007, and headed the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine from 1992 to 2000.

Sir Sydney Schubert holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), a Bachelor of Arts and Diploma of Business Administration from UQ. He was a member of the board of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience from 2001 to 2005 and a member of the University Senate from 1978-1986.

Mr White is an Arts alumnus with a Diploma in Pharmacy. He lectured in Pharmacy at UQ from 1976 to 1979.

Their official citations are as follows:

Emeritus Professor Ken Donald AO
Emeritus Professor Ken Donald has had a lengthy and illustrious career over 40 years in medical practice, health policy and medical education. His academic contributions consist of more than 90 published journal articles and textbooks demonstrate his ongoing commitment to the development of research and education across a number of fields including pathology, social and preventive medicine and veterans’ health. Professor Donald’s work with AIDS control and veterans’ health will long stand as his greatest achievements. He also represented Australia in rugby union from 1957 to 1960 and went on to manage the Australian Wallabies from 1979 to 1981. Professor Donald’s loyalty and commitment to the health of Queenslanders is unrivalled and this work continues today, beyond his official retirement.

Daphne Pirie AO, MBE
Daphne Pirie is an inspirational sportswoman and administrator who has worked tirelessly for over 60 years to promote and further the cause of women in sport. Considered one of Australia’s most successful female athletes, Daphne’s career spanned some 40 years, where she achieved success in track and field, hockey and golf. Daphne has devoted her life to promoting women in sport and, as the founding President of Womensport Queensland, had the clear vision of encouraging female athletes and communicating the outstanding achievements of Queensland sportswomen.

Sir Sydney Schubert
Sir Sydney Schubert is one of Queensland’s most distinguished public servants whose energy and direction was instrumental in shaping Queensland’s strong economic development during the 1970s and 1980s. Sir Sydney’s contributions are widely acknowledged for transforming the Queensland economy. His passion for Queensland has also been displayed through his contribution to higher education, business, the arts and the environment. Sir Sydney was awarded a knighthood in 1985 in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the Queensland public service. In 2006 he also received an Honorary Doctorate from James Cook University for his outstanding contribution to the management of Northern Queensland’s environmental assets.

Terry White AO
From humble beginnings Terry White has served as a Cabinet Minister and Leader of the Liberal Party before successfully developing his Queensland based company, Terry White Chemists. This national franchise and brand totals 162 pharmacies across the country with 65 in Queensland where the head office has always been located. As a former president of the Pharmacy Guild, Terry was heavily involved in developing services to up-skill pharmacists as small business people. He continues his role as Chairman of the Terry White Chemists Group, Deputy Chairman of Workcover Queensland and recently announced as Chairman of the Metro South Hospital Board.

The new awardees join a list of Queensland Greats associated with UQ, including The University of Queensland itself (named in 2010).

Awardees in 2010 also included former Chancellor (1993-2009) Sir Llew Edwards; conjoint Professor in Population Health Michael Good AO; Dr James (Eddie) Liu, UQ honorary doctorate recipient; UQP author Ruth Hegarty; and Agricultural Science graduate Mike Ahern AO.

Other UQ-associated "Queensland Greats" in previous years include former Vice Chancellor John Hay (2007), medical researcher Professor Ian Frazer (2006), actor Geoffrey Rush (2006), scientist Professor Peter Doherty AC (2003), author David Malouf (2003) and Arts patron Dr Philip Bacon (2009).