UQ Tourism students at the Dreamworld field trip
UQ Tourism students at the Dreamworld field trip
26 April 2012

University of Queensland School of Tourism students exchanged the lecture room for roller coasters and adventure rides as part of the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Foundations (TOUR7003) course.

Sixty-five postgraduate students and five staff members, including course lecturer Dr Chris Schmidt, travelled to the Gold Coast on April 16 to visit Dreamworld, one of the largest theme parks in Australia.

The field trip provided students with the opportunity to observe firsthand the tourism system and operations involved in creating powerful and memorable experiences for visitors to the theme park.

Students were permitted several hours to explore the many rides, animal attractions (including Tiger Island) and The Australian Wildlife Experience, as well as the shopping and food options available to visitors.

Dreamworld Education Officer Jessica Lawrence provided an informative presentation exclusively for the group, covering the theme park history and design; product and event development; marketing and tourism markets; and staffing and risk management.

Students will have the opportunity to reflect on their practical experiences and observations at Dreamworld through a case study style essay on tourism experiences and systems.

Media: Claire Shuter, 07 3346 9259 or c.shuter@uq.edu.au