17 January 2012

The Engineering Class of 2011 has left a legacy for future engineering students at The University of Queensland (UQ) through the creation of the University’s first graduating Class Gift.

Initiated by the graduating cohort of Hawken Scholars– a group of academically elite students— the 2011 class of engineers hopes to start a tradition within the UQ Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT).

They hope that future graduating students will make a gift to further the educational experiences of undergraduate students, following in their footsteps.

Graduate engineering student Julie Hazzard said the 2011 Class Gift ensured students were able to leave a legacy.

“It is also great a way to say thank you to the University for everything they have done for us,” Miss Hazzard said.

The students placed much greater emphasis on taking part rather than the amount given, which is why graduating engineering students were encouraged to donate $20.11 or variations of this figure to symbolise their graduation year.

A number of academic staff also donated to support this student initiative.

All the money donated by students has been matched by the Faculty itself – doubling students’ gifts and encouraging greater support.

The Class Gift will sponsor a keynote engineering address in mid-2012, allowing current students to network with alumni and industry members and benefit from hearing industry leaders speak on topics of great interest.

UQ Faculty of EAIT’s Director of Advancement Jonathan Cosgrove said he was delighted with the response shown by graduating students to the 2011 Class Gift.

“The support shown by graduating engineering students to the Class Gift has revealed the link between a great student experience and philanthropy,” Mr Cosgrove said.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of the students who have contributed to this initiative and look forward to watching this grow in future years.”

Media: Madelene Flanagan (m.flanagan@uq.edu.au or 3365 8525)