30 January 2012

The University of Queensland's School of Earth Sciences is celebrating the recent promotion of one of their senior staff, Associate Professor Gideon Rosenbaum.

Gideon Rosenbaum has recently been promoted to the position of Associate Professor, after a relatively short career spanning only 8 years.

Originally from Jerusalem, A/Prof Rosenbaum has made his career in Australia, after completing his PhD at Monash University in 2003.

“I came to Australia to study under the supervision of Prof Gordon Lister (now at ANU).”

Following the completion of his PhD a research position at Monash University, A/Prof Rosenbaum moved to Germany for a postdoctoral study at Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet, Mainz, before returning to Australia in 2006 and taking up a lecturer position at The University of Queensland.

“Coming back to Australia was an easy choice for me,” says A/Prof Rosenbaum.

“Australia offers everything that a geoscientist could ask for. It is blessed with an incredibly long geological record preserved in rocks, a top-notch research community and a broad spectrum of industry stakeholders that appreciate the relevance and applicability of geological research.”

A/Prof Rosenbaum’s research interest is concerned with plate tectonics. He is trying to understand the fundamental processes that control rock deformation at all scales: from microstructures and field observations to the formation of continents and oceans.

“The best thing about being a geologist is that our “lab” is planet Earth. Wherever you go, there is something interesting to be discovered. You cannot possibly get bored, and there is also a fair bit of travelling to remote corners of the world.”

“I encourage more students to study geoscience at UQ. There are fantastic employment opportunities in Australia, particularly in the resource industry. Personally, I would be happy to see more research higher degree students joining our School.

The School of Earth Sciences congratulates Associate Professor Gideon Rosenbaum on this wonderful achievement.

Associate Professor Rosenbaum is currently acting Head of School, Earth Sciences, at The University of Queensland, Associate Editor of the Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth), and Chief Editor of the Journal of the Virtual Explorer.

Media: Lynelle Ross (Marketing and Engagement Manager, Lynelle.ross@uq.edu.au or 3365 1180)