18 March 2011

University of Queensland PhD graduate Dr Simon van Rosendal has been awarded the 2010 Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Medal for his PhD thesis on “Measuring and Optimising Rehydration”.

Supervised by UQ School of Human Movement Studies Professor in Exercise and Sport Sciences, Professor Jeff Coombes, Dr van Rosendal’s winning thesis examined methods of enhancing rehydration in athletes.

“Dr van Rosendal’s work investigates whether rehydration in athletes can be enhanced by using a protocol that combines intravenous fluids (infused into a vein in the arm) and/or oral glycerol (which helps retain fluid in the body),” Professor Coombes said.

“This rapid rehydration protocol has shown to be superior to current rehydration methods.

"It may have particular application to athletes who suffer dehydration with heat illness and are in need of rapid rehydration."

Dr van Rosendal said the expert support and guidance he received whilst completing his PhD contributed greatly towards his success.

He was also co-supervised by Dr Mark Osborne at the Queensland Academy of Sport and was provided access to the Academy's environment chamber for his study.

“I feel extremely privileged to have completed my PhD at UQ and work with some of the finest researchers in the field,” said Dr van Rosendal.

Dr van Rosendal has been awarded a medal and cash.

ESSA is the peak professional organisation promoting excellence in, and recognition of, the exercise and sports science professions in Australia, and the ESSA medal recognises the most outstanding PhD thesis in this field across all universities in Australia.

Media Contact: Caroline Day, telephone 3365 6764