22 February 2011

Buyer behaviour towards food products and animal welfare is the key to changes in animal welfare legislation and standards in Australia, according to the world’s first Professor of Animal Welfare.

Cambridge University’s Professor Donald Broom addressed a range of animal welfare issues at The University of Queensland’s Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics recent symposium “Who drives animal welfare in Australia?”

“Animal welfare is a much bigger issue than it used to be and farmers are starting to realise that,” Professor Broom said during his presentation at Customs House in Brisbane’s CBD.

“The public is demanding change and we are seeing that now in the products we purchase, such as free range eggs.

“The views of the general public drive animal welfare, acting through Government by writing letters to media and direct to retailers.

“It’s imperative the public has access to good quality information to form these opinions, and the job of Animal Welfare researchers and the Government to ensure that accurate information is out there.”

Professor Broom also discussed human obligations to animals and some new discoveries around animals' complex emotions at his Brisbane lecture.

For more information for upcoming events and research on Animal Welfare at The University of Queensland visit the Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics (www.uq.edu.au/cawe).

Media Contact:
Professor Clive Philips, School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton 4343, QLD, Australia, E-mail: c.phillips@uq.edu.au
Tel. +61 7 5460 1158; mobile 0406 340 133.

Erin Pearl, Marketing Co-ordinator, Faculty of Science, (07) 54601299, 0409265587