28 September 2010

Former North Rockhampton High School student Katie Gilbar is planning a career in engineering after winning a $24,000 University of Queensland Excellence Scholarship.

Katie has started first year engineering at UQ, and hopes to specialise in civil or chemical engineering.

Her UQ Excellence Scholarship means that she can concentrate on her studies, rather than having to also take a part-time job to make ends meet.

“I wanted to go to uni in Brisbane and live on campus at a college,” Katie said.

“UQ offered the widest range of engineering disciplines and I was very impressed with the St Lucia campus after attending Open Day last year."

Katie, who was Dux of her School and also school captain, achieved an OP1, allowing her the choice of universities.

She wanted a career where she could use her love of maths and physics, and believes engineering will unlock opportunities for her to work overseas in the future.

Katie said current high school students should carefully examine the excellent range of scholarships available at UQ.

“Apply for it even if you don’t think you will get anything,” she said.

“UQ has such a broad range of scholarships for students in a range of circumstances.”

Katie said she believed the key to success at school and university was to “try your best and give everything a go.”

UQ’s undergraduate scholarship program is the largest in Queensland and one of the most generous in Australia.

Each year The University of Queensland awards hundreds of scholarships to Year 12 school leavers and gap year students.

Ranging in value from $6000 for the first year of study to $60,000 over five years, UQ’s Academic Scholarships are awarded to very high achievers including students who have experienced educational disadvantage due to long-term financial hardship, geographic isolation, or as a result of their Indigenous background.

UQ sporting scholarships are also available to students who excel in their chosen field.

More than 20 scholarships ranging in value from $6000 for one year of study to $18,000 over three years are awarded annually.

For more information or to apply, visit www.uq.edu.au/scholarships.

Applications close 5pm, Monday 1 November, 2010.

Media: Jan King, 07 3365 1120