16 March 2010

UQ will host university, government and industry delegates from around the nation this week at a workshop aimed at accelerating the take-up of geothermal energy in Australia.

Run by the Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (QGECE), the workshop brings together key stakeholders to determine how best to support and promote the development of a geothermal industry in Queensland in the short, medium and long term.

QGECE Director, Professor Hal Gurgenci, said that the workshop was an important milestone in the development of geothermal energy in Queensland.

“Geothermal energy is an important clean energy source for the future of Australia which will enable us to generate base load electricity – the minimum amount required to meet demand – without burning fossil fuels or using nuclear reactors,” Professor Gurgenci said.

“The Centre is progressing technology to meet the unique technical issues facing geothermal development in Queensland.

“This workshop will enable industry and government to provide input into the Centre’s activities and help guide our research programs, identify opportunities for collaboration and smooth the way for the implementation of geothermal energy in Queensland in the future.”

Participating organisations include geothermal companies, service companies, universities and the CSIRO, and Queensland and other state government departments.

The Queensland Geothermal Energy Research Centre (QGECE) was established by The University of Queensland with a $15million grant from the Queensland State Government in January 2009.

The Centre has already acquired a global reputation through its pioneering work in supercritical CO2 geothermal siphon; new cycles and cycle fluids for higher efficiencies; new cooling tower designs; and new knowledge on the magnitude and the nature of geothermal resources in Queensland.

In addition to discussing QGECE activities, the workshop will include a short presentation on the new $5 million Queensland Government initiative to explore the geothermal potential near the Queensland Coast: Coastal Drilling Initiative.

Information on the Workshop can be found at http://www.uq.edu.au/geothermal/workshop.

Media: Professor Hal Gurgenci from the Queensland Geothermal Energy Centre of Excellence (h.gurgenci@uq.edu.au or 07 3365 3607)