19 November 2009

UQ’s Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) and QGC Limited have entered a three-year partnership to assist the company in meeting its social performance and sustainable development objectives in Australia and globally.

The partnership will involve CSRM and QGC - an explorer and producer of coal seam gas which is part of the global BG Group working jointly on a range of initiatives including professional development and applied research into community issues related to major resources projects.

The partnership aims to boost the knowledge base of the industry by analysing and strategically managing issues arising from QGC projects, including the company’s priority development, the Queensland Curtis LNG project.

QGC Managing Director Catherine Tanna said the agreement would assist QGC to meet its social performance commitments, build relationships with key stakeholders and contribute to the professional development of QGC and BG Group personnel.

“We believe that companies that operate responsibly are also companies that prosper economically,” Ms Tanna said.

“Queensland Curtis LNG is a multi-billion project that will generate significant benefits and involve dozens of communities, hundreds of businesses and thousands of people drawn from throughout Queensland and Australia.

“This agreement with the CSRM will help us better understand issues of importance to the communities in which we operate, ensure we maximise the benefits of our project for local people and provide important research that will contribute to solutions that help mitigate, or avoid, unwanted impacts,” she said.

UQ Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Greenfield said QGC’s partnership with the CSRM was a commendable commitment by the company to understand community issues arising in major resources projects and to link its responses to high-quality research.

“This partnership also aligns with UQ’s commitment to strengthening engagement with industry and presents a new opportunity to provide knowledge that will benefit both industry and communities,” Professor Greenfield said.

The CSRM, one of six centres in UQ’s Sustainable Minerals Institute, has worked with peak industry organisations, individual companies, government and non-government bodies on research in the areas of indigenous people and mining, community engagement and development, impact assessment, monitoring and management and conflict management. The centre’s focus is the socio-economic and political challenges that confront companies, communities and governments when change is brought about by resource extraction.

Notes to Editors:

QGC Limited (ACN: 089 642 553) is a leading Australian coal seam gas explorer and producer focused on supplying cleaner hydrocarbon energy to growing domestic and international markets. QGC is establishing one of Australia’s largest capital infrastructure projects to turn world-class reserves of coal seam gas into liquefied natural gas (LNG). Queensland Curtis LNG, a priority project for QGC, involves expanding exploration and development in southern and central Queensland and transporting gas via a 380km buried pipeline to Curtis Island near Gladstone, where it will be liquefied. For further information visit: www.qgc.com.au or www.qclng.com.au

BG Group
BG Group plc (LSE: BG.L) is a world leader in natural gas, with a strategy focused on connecting competitively-priced resources to specific, high-value markets. Active in 27 countries on five continents, BG Group has a broad portfolio of exploration and production, liquefied natural gas (LNG), transmission and distribution and power generation business interests. It combines a deep understanding of gas markets with a proven track record in finding and commercialising reserves. For further information go to www.bg-group.com
Media contacts:
UQ - Fiona Kennedy 07 3365 1384 ; 0413 380 012
QGC - Mark Todd 0417 602 838 mark.todd@bg-group.com