6 December 2007

University of Queensland Veterinary Technology students won’t have to worry about sending out their resumes following their graduation this Friday (December 7) at the Gatton Campus.

Final-year Program Coordinator for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Veterinary Technology), Dr Trish Clarke, said many of the graduates had been offered positions in the veterinary and animal industries prior to graduation, with many having a choice of more than one position.

“The students are extremely well received in industry whether they choose to work in the veterinary profession alongside veterinary surgeons or whether they choose other careers within the animal industries,” Dr Clarke said.

“This year, and in the past, we have graduates who have chosen to work with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries in biosecurity roles; with the federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF); in zoos and wildlife roles; in education roles; and in veterinary industry roles such as representatives for animal health companies.”

One graduate who cannot speak highly enough of the program is Brett Smith.

“During our program we are required to complete 30 days practical placement,” Mr Smith said.

“I was fortunate enough to attend the Australian Wildlife Hospital at Australia Zoo for a week, where I was involved with critical care nursing of Australian wildlife such as koalas, sea turtles, sea birds and kangaroos.

“Another placement was at Sea World where I was involved with animal husbandry and training of polar bears, dugongs, penguins, dolphins, seals and sea lions.

“I now have a job with the Western Animal Emergency Centre (WAE), a position offered to me during our clinical rotations throughout the year.

“My position includes: critical care nursing of domestic animals and wild life; caring for in-patients of the ICU; assisting with clinical and surgical procedures; triage of patients; and running in-house blood samples.”

“The Veterinary Technology program has opened up a great number of job opportunities in a range of fields that would simply have not existed without its introduction.”

Mr Smith and his fellow classmates will celebrate the achievement of their important milestone this week, receiving their Bachelor of Applied Science (Veterinary Technology) on December 7 at the UQ Gatton graduation ceremony being held at the gymnasium at 11am.

Media inquiries: Dr Trish Clarke (3365 8223), Brett Smith (0400 761 821) or Susanne Schick – UQ Gatton Campus (5460 1229, 0409 265 587).