5 December 2007

Queensland teachers got a taste of food science recently at The University of Queensland’s Gatton Campus.

Dr Bruce D’Arcy, from UQ’s School of Land, Crop and Food Sciences in partnership with Education Queensland, presented the Food Science Professional Development for teachers of senior chemistry and biology on Thursday November 29.

Dr Bruce D’Arcy said the workshop was designed for senior science teachers as part of a new approach to get high school students interested in food science and technology.

“With a focus on providing a ‘hands on’ learning experience, the workshop aimed to provide attendees with the knowledge and resources needed to conduct practical food experiments in the classroom,” he said.

The day saw teachers engage with University staff and facilities such as gas chromatography technology not normally accessible to schools.

Dr D’Arcy said it was hoped by establishing partnerships with the industry members, the university and research organisations, teachers will have an improved understanding for the Australian food science industry.

“The connections to the University will alert teachers to the opportunities that are available for them with the School of Land, Crop and Food Science,” he said.

He said the workshop signified a different approach to try to increase the awareness and interest in food science and technology, resulting in increased enrolment numbers in the Bachelor of Food Technology and the Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science and Nutrition).

“By embedding food science into the curriculum through such partnerships we are hopeful the result will be an increase in the number of enrolments in our food science courses,” Dr D’Arcy said.

Teachers also had the opportunity to make connections with UQ staff who are available to conduct various food experiments for high school classes at both the St Lucia and Gatton campuses.

Dr D’Arcy said attendees also received a multimedia presentation featuring Foodworx Software to assist in the classroom studies.

Media inquiries: Marg Cover (5460 1307) or Susanne Schick - UQ Gatton Campus (5460 1229, 0409 265 587).