23 November 2007

A capital campaign to support the $75 million relocation of The University of Queensland’s School of Veterinary Science from St Lucia to the Gatton campus will be officially launched today, Monday November 26 at 12 noon.

The campaign will be launched at Brisbane’s Customs House at a luncheon for distinguished guests representing government, the corporate sector, wider community and the veterinary industry.

The Capital Campaign President is philanthropist and retired prominent businessman Dr John Reid AO, with support from campaign director, Janice Wilson, who the University has appointed to run the project.

Chair of the School of Veterinary Science Relocation to UQ Gatton Project Committee, Professor Trevor Grigg said the University had already committed $20 million to the relocation, targeted for completion in mid 2009.

He also welcomed a recent $3.5 million Federal Government grant towards the project.

Outgoing Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop said the funding had been allocated to assist in the construction of the Veterinary Science Equine Clinic and Hospital at Gatton.

Professor Grigg said the Equine Clinic and Hospital was an important part of the relocation, but said the University needed further Federal and Queensland government support.

“Relocating the core facilities of the School from the St Lucia to Gatton campuses is a major undertaking,” Professor Grigg said.

“Once completed, UQ Gatton will undoubtedly host the most comprehensive animal teaching and research facility in Australia and probably the Southern Hemisphere.”

Professor Grigg said UQ had trained more veterinary science students than any other Australian university, with graduates now working in 53 countries.

“The School is already amongst the best in the world and is widely considered to be one of the leading veterinary schools in the sub-tropical southern hemisphere,” he said.

Executive Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science Professor Roger Swift said the relocation of the School’s core facilities to Gatton had significant advantages.

Besides consolidating the School's activities on one site, essential links with the University's St Lucia campus would be maintained, Professor Swift said.

Professor Swift said a $33 million Centre for Advanced Animal Science (CAAS) was also being developed at Gatton in conjunction with the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.

Queensland Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries, Tim Mulherin, opened the first stage of the CAAS, which includes individual and grouped animal pens, a yards complex and hay shed, on November 21.

Professor Swift said it was estimated the School would bring an estimated 700 additional students and staff to UQ’s Gatton campus.

“Many of these along with their families will live in the Gatton area,” he said.

“The School is actively seeking to strengthen industry links and partnerships in the lead-up to the move.”

Once established, the School, in conjunction with the CAAS, which is due for completion in July 2008, would be a leading international facility, Professor Swift said.

“It will meet standards required for all major accreditations of the veterinary science program, including those of the United Kingdom and North America,” he said.

“In addition, the location of the Equine Hospital and Clinic at the Gatton campus will result in growth of equine related activities in the region”.

Professor Swift said the relocation development would incorporate state-of-the-art teaching facilities and modern research infrastructure.

“It will increase the ability to integrate activities of the School with animal teaching and research conducted within the CAAS, and the Schools of Animal Studies, Land, Crop and Food Science, and Natural and Rural Systems Management, already based at Gatton,” he said.

“It will not only support the School's vision, but will significantly enhance the School and campus contribution to the Lockyer/Brisbane Valley/Darling Downs communities.”

Media: Susanne Schick 0409 265 587. For more information about the School of Veterinary Science Relocation to UQ Gatton Project, contact Janice Wilson or phone 61 7 3346 7692.