19 June 2007

The University of Queensland has committed to fighting global poverty after launching a new partnership with Engineers Without Borders Australia.

The School of Engineering now houses its own chapter of the organisation, which was founded in 2003 to help disadvantaged communities through education and sustainable engineering initiatives.

EWB president Daniel Almagor said UQ staff and students had quickly gotten behind the partnership, which already has more than 100 members.

“My goal for EWB-UQ is for it to be the most active and exciting chapter in Australia, raising awareness about the issues and values that EWB promote and encouraging people to commit to being part of the solution,” Mr Almagor said.

Head of the School of Engineering Professor Jim Litster said the University was proud to support the work carried out by the organisation.

“All the big issues of the 21st century require engineering input on a local and global scale,” Professor Litster said.

“This collaboration enables our students to use their skills and work on real projects that will make a significant difference in the lives of others.”

The announcement comes after 900 UQ students began the EWB Challenge in March, which sees young engineers across Australia create design solutions for a children’s home in India.

Mr Almagor commended the University for its support and said he hoped it inspired others to become involved.

“It is crucial for the next generation to take on the ideas of sustainable and appropriate engineering,” he said.

“The health of the planet depends on it, as do the lives of billions of people currently living in poverty and disadvantage.”

Launched recently in front of industry partners at the School of Engineering, the UQ chapter is the newest in the EWB network, joining more than 20 others nation-wide.

Current projects involving UQ students include building sanitation facilities in Papua New Guinea and teaching refugees computer skills.

Those interested in finding out more about EWB initiatives can call 03 9696 9040 or visit their website.

Media: Lizzie Webb at EWB (0421 934 655, l.webb@ewb.org.au) or Cameron Pegg at UQ Communications (07 3365 2049, c.pegg@uq.edu.au)

Accompanying images can be viewed here. For high resolution copies contact Diana Lilley (07 3365 2753, d.lilley@uq.edu.au)