28 August 2006

The Graduate Management Association of Australia (GMAA) has once again awarded UQ Business School’s MBA program the highest rating of five stars.

Among the programs also earning five stars this year were the AGSM’s full-time MBA program and the MBA programs at Melbourne and Monash.

The GMAA is the nationally recognised professional association for graduates of MBA, DBA, and other postgraduate business management qualifications in Australia.

National President of the GMAA Robert Weller said the rating was based on material supplied by the institutions and by the Department of Education, Science, and Training.

“Our aim is to enhance the credibility of the MBA by providing an independent assessment of the standard of Australian programs and the value they represent,” he said.

He said some programs were not assessed because they were too new or had insufficient enrolments.

“And we don’t rate specialised MBAs or programs that are offered primarily offshore,” he said.

Acting Director of Postgraduate Programs Dr Polly Parker said the result was very pleasing.

“We support the GMAA in its efforts to enhance the value of the MBA in Australia,” she said.

“Independent assessments by credible organisations are always going to be more compelling for potential students and employers than us saying how good we think we are.”

“We are participating in the MBA and Postgrad Expo to be held in Brisbane from midday to 7pm on Tuesday, September 19.

“The expo is being held at Brisbane City Hall in King George Square – it’s a great opportunity for people thinking about doing an MBA to find out more,” she said.

For more information contact Cathy Stacey (07) 3365 6179 or 0434 074 372.