16 June 2006

An IBM study showing the majority of the region’s CEOs expect new forms of innovation to drive growth is no surprise to innovation expert Professor Mark Dodgson.

A University of Queensland Business School academic, Professor Dodgson was invited to provide expert commentary when the preliminary results of the IBM Global CEO Study were released to more than 40 CEOs of major Australian companies in May.

Professor Dodgson said the survey identified the extent of the challenges confronting many companies.

“Two-thirds of the 765 CEOs surveyed say they will make fundamental changes in their businesses in the next 2 years,” he said.

He said that innovation will drive these changes.

“Consistent with my research on successful innovators, survey participants recognised that innovation means more than just introducing new products or services.

“CEOs worldwide recognise that innovation in the company’s business model can result in a more defensible competitive advantage than a new product or service.”

UQ Business School has recently reorganised its research infrastructure to reflect its international reputation in two key areas – innovation leadership and corporate valuation.

Professor Dodgson is Director of the School’s Technology and Innovation Management Centre, Visiting Professor at the Tanaka Business School, Imperial College of London, and an International Fellow at the Advanced Institute of Management Research in the UK.

For more information, contact Cathy Stacey (07) 3365 6179, 0434 074 372 or Mark Dodgson on m.dodgson@business.uq.edu.au