2 June 2006

Researchers from The University of Queensland’s Occupational Therapy Division are seeking participants to take part in a study to understand the effects of stroke on everyday life.

People aged 65 years and over who are living at home and who have experienced a stroke in the past one to three years are needed.

The study will involve an interview and completing questionnaires about daily activities and feelings about life.

Stroke is responsible for 25% of all chronic disability within Australia, with an estimated 40,000 Australians experiencing a stroke annually.

Occupational therapists are concerned with how people spend their time and the link between this and well-being. It is anticipated that the results of this study will help health professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of their services and identify where further intervention or services may be needed.

If you would like further information or wish to take part in this study, please contact Alysha Brown telephone 0400 094 132, email s4091011@student.uq.edu.au or Kate Lee telephone 0438 020 421, email s4011517@student.uq.edu.au.

This study is being supervised by Associate Professor Kryss McKenna and Dr Jacki Liddle from the Occupational Therapy Division at UQ.