8 June 2006

Researchers from The University of Queensland’s School of Psychology are calling for families with a child diagnosed with ADHD between the ages of four and nine to take part in a group program aimed at helping parents manage their child’s behaviour.

Children with ADHD commonly display disruptive behaviours that are difficult for parents to manage. It is widely recognised that the best treatment for ADHD is a combination of medication and behaviour management training.

Triple P Positive Parenting for parents of children with ADHD has been designed to strengthen the family’s capacity to care for a child with ADHD and manage problem behaviour.

The program aims to give families a better understanding of ADHD, of why their children behave the way they do, and how to manage difficult behaviours.

The program involves attending four, two-hour groups held weekly, followed by three weekly phone calls and finishing with one more two-hour group. All together, the groups will run over eight weeks.

Parents will not be asked to cease their child’s current medications or other treatments while they participate in the program.

For more information on participating in the Triple P Parenting Program for Parents of Children with ADHD please contact Jennifer Piercy on 3365 7305 or email jkpiercy@psy.uq.edu.au . The program will be supervised by Dr Kate Sofronoff, kate@psy.uq.edu.au.