4 January 2006

The following University of Queensland experts will be available today for media comment on the Bureau of Meteorology’s data showing 2005 was the hottest year on record:

• Professor Shu Fukai of the UQ School of Land and Food Sciences.

Professor Fukai can comment on climate change in relation to changes in crop growth.

Contact: 07 3365 2340 (A home number is also available upon request from the Office of Marketing and Communications*.)

• Dr Hamish McGowan, UQ climatologist, can comment on how the 2005 record confirms a trend of rising temperatures.

This trend has been sustained over the past 15-20 years and is likely to continue.

Other aspects of climate on which Dr McGowan can comment include: the role of humanity in climate change; the enhanced greenhouse effect; and the significance of the current trend in terms of the geological record.

Contact: 07 3365 6651

• Professor John Quiggin, of the School of Economics and School of Political Science and International Studies, can comment on the economic implications of climate change.

Contact: 07 3346 9646 (office) 3371 3996 (home)

• Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, of the Centre for Marine Studies, can comment on climate change and coral bleaching.

Contact: 07 4978 1399 (ext 229)

*UQ Office of Marketing and Communications: Fiona Kennedy - 3365 1088/ 0413 380 012 or Chris Saxby - 3365 2479