16 December 2005

Having never done anything by halves UQ Gatton student Jess Peters is again proving that simply graduating from the Bachelor of Agriculture with First Class Honours this month is not enough.

Ms Peters has also received the prestigious $5000 Dow AgroSciences Honours Scholarship.

The scholarship was first awarded in 2002. The award in 2005 is designed to attract well qualified students to undertake Honours studies in aspects of sustainable plant production in agriculture and horticulture, and to assist them in the completion of these studies.

“It’s great to see such outstanding graduates like Ms Peters entering the Agricultural Science profession. With graduates of this calibre entering the industry, the future of agriculture is in excellent hands,” said Howard Tompkins, Dow AgroSciences Territory Manager.

Ms Peters, accompanied by her very proud family, was awarded the scholarship following the ceremony at UQ Gatton Campus.

“My course at UQ Gatton was not all about theory and lecture rooms — there was a lot of interaction with industry from the first semester on,” Ms Peters said.

“I would like to thank Dow AgroSciences for supporting me during my final year of study.”

Head of UQ`s School of Agronomy and Horticulture Associate Professor Alan Wearing said Ms Peters was a worthy recipient with a very bright future.

“UQ Gatton and Dow AgroSciences are very proud to have such a capable and high performing student win this award,” Associate Professor Wearing said.

“We are also very confident that Jess will use the award well and that she will be a tremendous asset for rural industry now that she has graduated.”

“We are particularly grateful to Dow AgroSciences for supporting the Campus and the students.

“Industry support is an essential element of providing students with a complete, well rounded educational experience. Through scholarships such as this and the University’s acclaimed industry placement program, students are exposed to a wide variety of learning and career opportunities.”

Having started working with Pacific Seeds in Toowoomba as a Trainee Quality Control Technician during her studies, Jess intends to continue her career in the agronomy field, accepting a full time appointment prior to graduating.

Media inquiries: Susanne Schick - UQ Gatton Campus (5460 1229, 0409 265 587).

Further information/comment: Contact Len Bahnisch, School of Agronomy and Horticulture (5460 1350, 0409 897 433).