9 December 2005

The University of Queensland is making copies of December graduation speeches available at a new podcasting website.

The site is: https://www.uq.edu.au/news/index.html?podcast=1.

You can also link to the site from the podcasting link at UQ News Online www.uq.edu.au/news.

Podcasts are audio programs which can be downloaded from the Internet.

Each year the University invites a range of distinguished community leaders to address its graduations who discuss a variety of inspirational topics in a range of disciplines.

To enjoy these speeches, simply download them directly from the site, or you can have them automatically delivered to your portable device as they are posted, by subscribing to the podcasts.

Further details on podcasting, using software such as iTunes or alternate podcasting software, are provided at the site.

The sound files are in an MP3 format.

Speeches already posted to the site include:
• Dr Andrew Liveris, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Dow Chemical Company;
• Mr Norbury Rogers, AO;
• Dr Mary Mahoney;
• Mr Barry O'Sullivan, Sustainable Change.
• Mr Martin Albrecht AC, Chairman, Thiess Pty Ltd;
• Professor John McKenzie, Dean of Science, the University of Melbourne;
• Professor Richard Burns, Honorary Professor, School of Land and Food Sciences, UQ;
• The Hon Justice Margaret White;
• Mrs Katie Mickel, Physiotherapy field;
• Professor Lloyd Sansom, AO, Chair, Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee;
• Professor Garth Gaudry, Director, The International Centre of Excellence for Education in Mathematics;
• Mr Daniel Sankey, Editor, Queensland Times Pty Ltd;
• Mr Paul Casos, CEO, iTEL Community Telco Limited;
• Professor Mark von Itzstein, Executive Director, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University;
• Mr Robert Setter, Deputy Director-General, DPI & F;
• The Honourable Dame Carol Kidu, DBE, MP;
• Mr Bryan Nason, AM;
• Mr Robert Wensley, QC.

For further information please contact Jan King 0413 601 248.