30 August 2004

University of Queensland political experts are on standby to help media in the lead up to the Federal election on October 9.

From political to economic viewpoints, academics from the Schools of Business and Political Science and International Studies (PolSIS), will be available to give expert opinions and background.

Political leadership, populism, Federal and State politics: Dr Rae Wear, 3365 2090, r.wear@uq.edu.au.

Parties and elections, political communication in media, political advertising and campaigning: Dr Ian Ward, 3365 2662, i.ward@uq.edu.au

General Federal issues, voting behaviour, state politics: Associate Professor Paul Reynolds, 3365 3308, p.reynolds@uq.edu.au.

Political philosophy, Asian context, international relations: Dr David Martin Jones, 3365 2695, d.jones2@uq.edu.au

Politics of economic policy, business-government relations, public policy: Associate Professor Stephen Bell, 3365 3043, email stephen.bell@uq.edu.au

National economic policy: Professor John Quiggin, 3346 9646, j.quiggin@uq.edu.au

Government and public administration, political commentary: Professor Kenneth Wiltshire, 3365 2733, k.wiltshire@business.uq.edu.au

For more information contact Miguel Holland at UQ Communications (phone: 07 3365 2619 or m.holland@uq.edu.au)