22 July 2004

This year’s EKKA is set to open with a bang, with the University of Queensland (UQ) hosting its inaugural “Great Debate” on one of the most controversial issues in both the bush and the city.

Two expert teams will examine the case for and against the recent ban on tree clearing in Queensland during an open debate to be held at the AgForce Meating Centre, RNA showgrounds, from 4pm-5.30pm on Wednesday, August 4.

ABC Landline Executive Producer Kerry Lonergan will adjudicate the teams, which include high profile scientists Dr Bill Burrows and Dr Jennifer Marohasy, conservationists Dr Barry Traill, Felicity Wishart and Sarah Moles and well-known Central Queensland beef producer Wally Peart.

Debate Coordinator and UQ School of Land and Food Sciences’ Associate Professor Max Shelton said the debate was aimed at presenting all sides of the complex issue for the benefit of the public.

“There are all sorts of environmental, economic and social considerations when deciding how our natural resources should be managed,” Associate Professor Shelton said.

“It’s no easy decision weighing up the need to conserve our environment with the demands of the world’s growing population and the need to ensure that our rural communities are economically, environmentally and socially viable.

“This debate will allow the speakers and those attending to examine those considerations relating to just one of the many natural resource management issues facing modern agriculture in an open and constructive forum.

“Students from The University of Queensland studying agricultural science and environmental science will attend the debate, which is also open to the public.”

Associate Professor Shelton said normal debating rules would apply but no winners or losers would be declared.

“That’s not the purpose of the debate. It’s more about presenting the range of information and views that exist on the big, challenging issues – those which affect the future of every member of the community,” he said.

“With the calibre of the people involved in this debate, we’re confident it will be a valuable and successful event. And with the support of the RNA and AgForce, we hope to make the Great Debate a permanent feature on the EKKA program.”

For further details please contact either of the “Great EKKA Debate” Coordinators Associate Professor Max Shelton (07), 3365 2541 or Associate Professor Ian Godwin (07) 3365 2141.

For more information, contact: Brad Henderson, Marketing Coordinator, Faculty of NRAVS, (07) 5460 1229 or 0409.265.587