14 May 2004

UQ’s student volunteer group – “The Bridge” – has won the inaugural Vice-Chancellor’s Equity and Diversity group award, valued at $10,000.

Irish Ambassador to Australia, Declan Kelly, helped present the award to The Bridge’s founding president, Caroline Nordang, at an awards lunch at Customs House today.

The lunch was the highlight of the UQ’s second annual Diversity Week celebrations.

Hundreds of Bridge volunteers give up their time each semester to help with community projects such as teaching English to migrants and assisting Riding for the Disabled.

“It’s wonderful that university students have so much to contribute to their community and are recognised and that UQ is prepared to support us,” Ms Nordang said.

“Thank you to the university for helping us grow into a valuable community organisation.”

The Vice-Chancellor’s individual winner was Dr Haida Luke who set up a support network for breastfeeding staff and students at the University.

Dr Luke received $5000 to continue her work.

In addition, two Diversity Action Awards worth $2500 each were presented to the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Sciences (BACS), and joint winners Simon Scott from Gatton’s Halls of Residence and Vijendra Kumar from the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science.

Kylie Russell from BACS is coordinating the development of a peer mentoring program for overseas students and those from rural and isolated areas.

Mr Scott and Mr Kumar are planning staff development activities to improve the awareness of cultural and disability issues on the Gatton campus.

A certificate of appreciation was also presented to Elisabeth Edwards for almost two decades of voluntary service teaching conversational English to spouses of international academic staff and students.

The University has been recognising outstanding contributions to diversity and equity throughout Diversity Week.

The aim was to raise awareness about issues like disability, sexuality, culture and language, religion, gender, family and racism.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Margaret Gardner, said UQ was made up of many diverse groups, cultures and world views which enriched work and life.

“Diversity Week means we can showcase and celebrate diversity and, through the awards, acknowledge the great work already going on and provide some well-deserved support for the individuals and organisational units that contribute to diversity at UQ,” Professor Gardner said.

Winners can be contacted on:
- The Bridge (telephone: 3365 6466, email: bridge@uq.edu.au) Caroline Nordang (telephone: 0401 919 539)
- Dr Haida Luke (telephone: 3346 4827, 0422 395 755, or email: haida.luke@uq.edu.au)
- Faculty of Biological & Chemical Sciences (Kylie Russell telephone: 3346 9498, email: kylie.russell@uq.edu.au
- Simon Scott (telephone: 0418 875 975, 5460 1033, email: sscott@uqg.uq.edu.au) & Vijendra Kumar (telephone: 5460 1346, email: vkumar@uqg.uq.edu.au)
- Elisabeth Edwards (telephone: 3378 0251)

For more information on Diversity Week contact Miguel Holland at UQ Communications (phone: +61 07 3365 2619, m.holland@uq.edu.au)

For more information on all nominees visit the Diversity Week website. http://www.uq.edu.au/about/diversityweek

To listen to the Irish Ambassador's speech, visit http://omc.uq.edu.au/audio/diversityweek04/DiversityWeek2004-Speach.mp3

To vist the Bridge Website go to http://www.uq.edu.au/bridge

For more information on diversity at UQ visit http://www.uq.edu.au/diversity