10 December 2003

The work of young health and medical researchers at The University of Queensland has been given a boost this week with 21 scholarships and fellowships announced.

Funded as part of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s Researcher Support Awards, UQ researchers were awarded almost $3.5 million from a total of $34.9 million available.

The NHMRC scheme is aimed at supporting training for young researchers to help maintain the country’s high standard of health and medical research.

The funding covers three sections and UQ researchers were awarded 11 Training Scholarships ( to help support postgraduate training); seven Training Fellowships (support in the early postdoctoral period); and three Industry Fellowships (opportunities in industrial research).

UQ topped the country in Industry Fellowships being awarded three, further strengthening the University’s already strong research ties with industry partners.

Professor David Siddle, UQ Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), said the funding was recognition of the high-quality work early-career researchers were doing at UQ.

“These results reflect most obviously the quality of the awardees, but also reflect the fact that UQ is regarded as a first class environment for early career researchers,” Professor Siddle said.

Receiving a Training Scholarship are Johanna Barclay (Dora Lush Biomedical), Dr Leonie Callaway (Medical), Derek Chong (Indigenous Australian Health Research), Darren Gray (Public Health), Dr Samuel Kim (Medical), MadhaviMaddugoda (Dora Lush Biomedical), Katherine Morely (Public Health), Felicity Newell (Dora Lush), Angela Trieu (Dora Lush Biomedical), Irena Vetter (Dora Lush Biomedical) and Charlene Willis (Dora Lush Biomedical).

Receiving a Training Fellowship are Rosa Alati (Public Health), Dr Alison Holm (Australian part-time fellowship), Natasha Koloski (Public Health Fellowship), Dr Li Li (Peter Doherty Fellowship), Stephen Rodda (CJ Martin Overseas Fellowship), Dr Christine Staatz (Overseas Clinical Fellowship) and Dr Kim Yap-Webber (Howard Florey Centenary Fellowship).

Receiving an Industry Fellowship are Dr Bronwyn Battersby, Dr Norelle Daly and Dr Kong-Nan Zhao.

Media: For more information contact Andrew Dunne, UQ Communications (telephone 3365 2802).