4 April 2002

The University of Queensland is seeking children in upper primary school (Years 5, 6 and 7) diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome to take part in a new study.

Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder in the autism spectrum of disorders.

"Children with Asperger’s syndrome are usually diagnosed in the early years of primary school," said Dr Kate Sofronoff of UQ’s School of Pyschology.

"These children experience significant difficulties in social interaction with peers, often exhibit challenging behaviours, and experience a high level of anxiety."

Dr Sofronoff said the study aimed to evaluate a cognitive behavioural intervention designed by Dr Tony Attwood to target anxiety in children with Asperger’s syndrome. Dr Attwood is a Brisbane-based world authority on the condition, and is currently lecturing in America.

Parents interested in the study will be mailed an information sheet and consent form. Both parent and child will be asked to attend The University of Queensland for the initial assessment session.

Following this, children will be randomly assigned to either the intervention group or a wait-list control group.

The intervention will be run for six weeks with a two hour session per week. There will be a follow-up session at three months.

Children who are initially assigned to the wait-list group will receive the intervention in semester two.

If you are interested in receiving the information sheet concerning this study please contact Dr Kate Sofronoff on 3365 6411 or kate@psy.uq.edu.au.