27 September 2001

The University of Queensland is attracting large numbers of undergraduate and postgraduate students to programs on terrorism issues and related problems of international security and conflict resolution.

Head of the School of Political Science and International Studies Professor Paul Boreham said UQ was one of the leading centres focusing in these fields.

"This semester we have about 150 undergraduates and 40 postgraduates specialising in these programs," he said.

"Our undergraduate international studies curriculum covers key topics including ethnic and religious factors underlying global terrorism, links between terrorism and insurgency, and the politics and economics of counter-terrorism and conflict resolution.

"Terrorism’s emerging prominence is also related closely to the broader field of international security. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses in peace and conflict studies, human rights, ethnicity, strategic studies and Asia-Pacific security issues are offered in UQ’s School of Political Science and International Studies. These courses will be increasingly accessible in the year 2002 because of the introduction of the Postgraduate Education Loans Scheme (PELS).

"Together, these subjects comprise a highly coherent educational package that is designed to facilitate the development of professional qualifications and training for an increasingly significant field of study."

Academic staff who teach in these programs include:
o Former Senator Margaret Reynolds, President of the UN Association of Australia;
o Dr Jacinta O’Hagan, a specialist in culture and international politics;
o Drs Marianne Hanson and Roland Bleiker, Co-Directors of the School’s Rotary Centre for International Studies (Dr Hanson is an arms control specialist while Dr Bleiker is a former Swiss diplomat working in the Korean /Demilitarised Zone);
o Christine Mason, a specialist in ethnic studies;
o Di Zetlin, a specialist in conflict management;
o Dr Rod Lyon, formerly with the Office of National Assessments; and
o Professor Bill Tow, a member of the Australian Foreign Affairs Council.

For more information about the program, contact School Administrator Ms Linda Buckham, telephone 07 3365 2635 or email: l.buckham@mailbox.uq.edu.au

Media: For further information, contact Professor Paul Boreham, telephone 07 3365 3043 or Professor William Tow, telephone 07 3365 3042.