19 June 2001

Scholarships on offer for Women in Business Leadership course

The Centre for Rural and Regional Innovation (CRRI) is offering scholarships for a five-day Women in Business Leadership course at UQ Gatton from June 25-29.

Scholarships cover course costs and are open to people in the non-government community sector and in private enterprise. Fee-paying places are also available. For details, contact Dr Jim Cavaye or Jody Kowaltzke (telephone 07 54601492), or Associate Professor Bob Beeton (telephone 07 5460 1322, mobile 041 971 4533).

CRRI, a joint initiative of the Universities of Queensland and Melbourne, is running the course at UQ Gatton and several other locations nationally following the successful Rural Community Development short courses earlier this year.

Women in Business Leadership gives women in business and management a chance to build knowledge and skills while expanding their networks, according to course convener Liz Chapman, a partner in RuralPlan Services who runs her hbusiness from north-east Victoria.

"The course will suit women with their own businesses or with recent promotions within companies or organisations, middle or senior managers in larger companies, and senior office-bearers in community bodies," Mrs Chapman said.

"The program and presenters will appeal to women who have been successful and are looking to take the next step, either for themselves or for their businesses."

Topics include continuous improvement and innovation, human resource management, financial planning and analysis, business leadership and e-commerce. Professional business speakers will feature and local businesswomen will present case studies.

For more information, contact Liz Chapman (telephone 0418 575 592) or Moya Pennell, UQ Communications (telephone 07 3365 2846).