7 December 2000

Old and new combine to lend a unique character to the new UQ Gatton Student Centre, to be opened at 9.30am on Monday, December 11 by University of Queensland Chancellor Sir Llew Edwards.

Memorabilia such as a 1900 diploma (one of the first awarded by Queensland Agricultural College, forerunner to UQ Gatton) and the historically-significant Grimes Collection contrast with the high-tech environment dedicated to streamlining student bureaucracy.

The Centre echoes those on the University's St Lucia and Ipswich campuses and will provide a one-stop shop for student administration and student and visitor enquiries.

It includes self-help computer terminals, brochures, forms and general information resources. Staff can also give personal advice on courses, fees, HECS liability, examinations, exclusion, prizes, scholarships and graduation.

Guests at the Centre opening included Professor Roger Swift, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, and Mrs Gail Black, donor of the Grimes Collection.

This chronicles the student career of the late Winston Grimes, 1913-2000 - an outstanding scholar and athlete whose Gatton diploma led to his becoming the 19th registered veterinarian in Queensland.

His collection includes an early College blazer, photographs, athletic trophies, academic prizes, photographs and old vet instruments.

Also on show is a framed collection of military medals and photographs commemorating former staff member and late ANZAC Ray Bills for his part in the legendary landing at Gallipoli.

For more information, contact Malcolm Marsh, UQ Gatton (telephone 07 5460 1247) or Moya Pennell, UQ Communications (telephone 3365 2846).