14 July 1998

The University of Queensland has scooped the lion's share of awards in a new Australian Research Council scheme to promote international collaboration.

University researchers were awarded 38.8 percent or $88,440 of the total pool of $227,900 available under the ARC's International Projects scheme.

The University was awarded 15 of the 36 grants available - five times more grants than the nearest institution, the University of Melbourne.

Most successful universities in the scheme were:
1. The University of Queensland, 15 awards, $88,440;

2. The University of Melbourne, three awards, $8423.

3; University of Sydney, two awards, $44,600, University of Wollongong, two awards, $19,600, Australian National University, two awards, $15,800.

University Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Paul Greenfield said University of Queensland researchers had a 60 percent success rate, with 15 of the University's 25 applications approved by Education Minister Dr David Kemp.

Under the scheme, the ARC provides funding for international collaboration outside the normal Large Grants process.

International Project proposals can range from a request for funding for travel and living expenses for a short-term researcher exchange, to a fully fledged proposal equivalent to a Large Grant.

Preliminary information indicates that awards have been made to the following academics:
o Prof Peter Drummond (Physics Department) $1901.
o Dr Michael Jennings (Microbiology Department) $4790.
o Associate Professor Michael Mackay (Chemical Engineering Department) $9200.
o Dr Alistair McEwan (Microbiology Department) $3699.
o Dr David Mee (Mechanical Engineering Department) $5000.
o Prof Gerard Milburn (Physics Department) $8050.
o Associate Professor Richard Morgan (Mechanical Engineering Department) $15,000.
o Associate Professor Richard Morgan (Mechanical Engineering Department) $6000.
o Dr Allan Paull (Mechanical Engineering Department) $7900.
o Dr Margaret Steinberg (Social and Preventive Medicine Department) $5500.
o Dr David Stump (Mathematics Department) and Dr W B Fraser $4900.
o Dr George Yuan (Mathematics Department) $4000.
o Dr George Yuan (Mathematics Department) $4000.
o Professor Ray Volker (Civil Engineering Department) $2100.
o Dr Victor Rudolph (Chemical Engineering Department) $6400.