30 June 1998

The University of Queensland Academic Board has reaffirmed its absolute commitment to equity and cultural diversity and its opposition to racism.

Academic Board President Professor Cindy Gallois said today that the Board had unanimously supported the following resolution:

"In view of the recent political developments in Queensland, this Board considers it appropriate to re-emphasise its absolute commitment to the principle of equity and its absolute opposition to racism.

"As a University, we have always welcomed, and will continue to welcome, students and staff from every country and every ethnic and racial group.

"We reassert our belief that Australia should continue to develop as an inclusive multi-cultural and multi-racial society, and that this University should continue to promote strong and mutually supportive relations among Australians of all ethnic and racial groups, and with our Asian neighbours."

Professor Gallois said it was appropriate that the Board, as the University's central academic advisory body, make its position quite clear to the wider community, to prospective and current students and to staff.

She said the University was proud of its long tradition of welcoming students and staff from other cultures which enhanced the quality of academic life and scholarship.

"Excellence in scholarship, in teaching and in research depends on the global currency of ideas", Professor Gallois said.

"One of the great strengths of the University is its capacity to host students from more than 80 nations, and for its students to be taught by staff who have been recruited from among the best internationally", she said.

Professor Gallois said internationalism was one of the defining qualities of the University of Queensland. "The University places great store on its capacity to prepare students as international citizens who can move easily among people of other languages and cultures and who can work effectively across increasingly transparent international boundaries."

For information, contact Professor Gallois (07) 3365-1320; ah (07) 3878-3279