27 August 1997

The Michael Cameron Fund, a trust fund administered by the University of Queensland, supports particular aspects of research conducted by the Schonell Special Education Research Centre relating to parent and family needs in families with a child with Down syndrome.

The fund was established in 1985 by the family of Michael Cameron, who was one of the children recruited at birth in 1978 for the Centre's longitudinal study of children with Down syndrome.

When Michael died, his aunt Ms Mary Gavin and his family established the fund in his memory to recognise and support the value of research to families.

The Michael Cameron Fund has provided financial assistance for a booklet on physiotherapy activities for babies and toddlers with Down syndrome and is also assisting with the production of a book on literacy, available later this year.

Donations to the Michael Cameron Fund are tax deductible, and should be sent to the University of Queensland Trust Funds - Michael Cameron Fund, The University of Queensland, 4072.

The Schonell Special Education Research Centre, designated by the Australian Down Syndrome Association as the National Centre of Excellence in Down Syndrome Research, places a high priority on disseminating and publishing information of practical value to parents and professionals.

For more information, contact Dr Anne Jobling, Schonell Special Education Research Centre, (07) 3365 6405.