9 May 1997

The University of Queensland has been named one of the 'top 100 overseas universities' by the South China Morning Post.

In a special supplement, the South China Morning Post listed the University of Queensland among 10 Australian universities in the selection.

The Australian list took account of the three audits of university quality carried out by the Australian Government over the past three years in relation to research, teaching and learning, and community service plus extra weightings for the research outcomes.

Australian universities featured in the list were: Queensland, Melbourne, Sydney, New South Wales, Monash, Australian National University, Western Australia, Griffith, Adelaide, and Tasmania.

The South China Morning Post reported that about 14,000 student visas were issued in Hong Kong each year by the five big recruiting countries - the United States, Australia, Canada, Britain and New Zealand. It noted the largest numbers of Hong Kong students studying abroad headed for the United States (4700 last year) and Australia (4200). These figures included all students, not solely those studying at universities.

Other international universities listed by the newspaper were:

United States: Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Dartmouth, Brown, California Institute of Technology, Northwestern, Columbia, Chicago, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Notre Dame, Washington, Emory, Vanderbilt, Virginia, Tufts, Georgetown, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of California at Berkeley, Wake Forest, Carnegie Mellon, Brandeis, Rochester, University of California at Los Angeles, Lehigh, College of William and Mary, University of California at San Diego, New York, University of California at Irvine, Tulane, Boston College, Case Western Reserve, University of California at Davis, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Southern California, Washington, Syracuse, Yeshiva, George Washington, University of California at Santa Barbara, Georgia Institute of Technology, Texas A&M University at College Station, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

United Kingdom: Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College, Edinburgh, St Andrews, London School of Economics, York, Warwick, Bristol, Nottingham, University College London, Bath, Manchester, Southampton, UMIST, Durham, Newcastle, Lancaster, Birmingham, King's College, London, Glasgow, Sheffield, Sussex at Brighton, Liverpool, Royal Holloway - University of London, Surrey, Leeds, Reading, Essex, Buckingham.

New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington, Auckland, Otago, and Canterbury.

Canada: Memorial, Simon Fraser, Victoria, York, Guelph, Waterloo.