27 May 1997

The Graduate School of Management at the University of Queensland has been listed among the top 20 business schools in the Asia-Pacific in an MBA Career Guide survey.

The results of the MBA Career Guide Recruiter Survey 1996 were published in a recent edition of the Asian management magazine, World Executive's Digest.

For the survey, more than 1000 MBA recruiters in the Asia-Pacific, Europe and the United States were asked to rank business schools in each of those regions. The listing is not intended as a league table.

The other Australian universities listed in the survey are the Australian Graduate School of Management, Australian National University, Bond University, Curtin University of Technology, Macquarie University, Monash University and the University of Melbourne.

The Graduate School of Management was also placed in the top 20 Asia-Pacific business schools in another survey by the magazine, Asia Inc. last year.

Graduate School of Management head Professor Victor Callan said the School had now been placed in two independent surveys of the Asia-Pacific region over the past two years.

'This latest ranking recognises the quality of our teaching and research programs, the University's high standing in Asia and our excellent reputation for providing the business community with highly-skilled graduates who have an appreciation of the opportunities in Asia,' he said.

Australia was considered a part of Asia in the School's curriculum, he said.

Professor Callan said the University's strong business reputation in the Asian region was a result of several factors including the quality of the School's teaching program, the number of University alumni in high positions throughout Asia, and active marketing and promotion of the School in Asia including its links with Asian universities and institutes.

For more information, contact Professor Callan (telephone 3365 6225, fax 3365 6988).