Event Details

Thursday, 13 September 2018
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
St Lucia - Campbell Place
Event category(s):

Event Contact

Mr Kristopher Brown
3346 1493
Org. Unit:
Student Affairs Division

Event Description

Full Description:
In support of R U OK? Day, we ask that everyone ‘wear it yellow’ on Thursday 13 September and head on down to the Grassy Knoll at Campbell Place to have a cuppa and a conversation… it could change the life of someone you know.

Come have a coffee, or just chill out and play some games while you chat with friends or make new ones in the spirit of active conversations. Never underestimate the power of asking ‘R U OK?’

When: Thursday 13 September 2018, 11am-2pm
Where: Grassy Knoll, Campbell Place
Remember to Wear it Yellow!

R U OK? encourages everyone to invest more quality time in the people around them as when our relationships are strong, we’re more likely to see the signs that someone may be struggling and are better placed to start a meaningful conversation with that person. R U OK? aims to empower all Australians to have the confidence and skills to have a conversation with someone who may be struggling with life.

Every day people experience life’s ups and down and things like grief, relationship breakdown, financial difficulty or losing a job. Sadly, at these times many people feel they don’t have anyone to confide in. The signs someone may be struggling may be subtle but some common signs are changes in behavior, sleep patterns, energy levels and mood.

Any day we notice those signs or feel that something’s not quite right, we need to trust our gut instinct, ask R U OK? and start a conversation that could change a life.

To start a conversation, just follow these four simple steps:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in

For extra support, conversation tips and help-seeking information, go to ruok.org.au

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