Collaboration Opportunity – US National Institutes of Health & National Endowment for the Arts – Promoting Research on Music and Health: Fundamentals and Applications (R21 Clinical Trials Optional) – RFA-NS-19-009
Sponsor: US National Institutes of Health & National Endowment for the Arts
Closing Date: 28-Feb-2019
This FOA is intended to encourage exploratory studies to: (1) increase our understanding of how music affects the brain, body, and behavior and (2) use that knowledge to develop evidence-based music interventions to enhance health or treat specific diseases and disorders. Proposed R21 projects can investigate how music is processed by or modifies the brain, or how it affects specific biological functions during childhood development and learning, adulthood, and aging. Projects can also include preliminary interventions that provide a basis for therapeutic interventions. When appropriate, collaborations among basic researchers, technology developers, music intervention experts, or other clinical researchers are highly encouraged.

• Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are not eligible to apply as a lead applicant but may participate as a foreign component.

• The R21 award may not exceed USD $275,000 in cumulative total costs or more than USD $150,000 for either of the two years.
• The maximum period allowed in 2 years.

Please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement for further information. Applications may be prepared and submitted via the NIH ASSIST system or For complete instructions, you must refer to both the NIH Application Guide and the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), noting that instructions in the FOA take precedence over the Application Guide.

Key Dates
Open Date (Earliest Submission Date): 28 January 2019
Letter of Intent (non-mandatory) due to NIH: 15 January 2019
Applications close with NIH: 28 February 2019, 5:00pm local time of applicant organisation
Expiration date of FOA: 1 March 2019 (no future closing dates)

Interested UQ researchers are encouraged to contact their US colleagues to discuss the possibility of participating on an application.

Please advise the UQR&I International Team at if you are invited to participate on an application.
