US National Institutes of Health – Collaborative Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of Mammalian Models for Translational Research (Collaborative R01) – PAR-17-244
Sponsor: US National Institutes of Health
Closing Date: 05-Feb-2019
The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications for collaborative R01 projects from multi-disciplinary teams to expand, improve, or transform the reliability and utility of mammalian cancer and tumor models for translational research. For a linked set of collaborative R01s, each site has its own Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s), and the program provides a mechanism for cross-site coordination and communication. Collaborative studies are appropriate to address translational modeling research questions beyond the capacity of a single-site investigation, particularly to accommodate collaborations among sites with diverse expertise, perspectives, and contributions.

With this FOA, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) intends to encourage submission of multidisciplinary projects devoted to demonstrating that mammalian models or their derivatives used for translational research are robust representations of human biology, are appropriate to test questions of clinical importance, and provide reliable information for patients' benefit. These practical goals contrast with the goals of many mechanistic, NCI-supported R01 projects that employ mammals, or develop and use mammalian cancer models, transplantation tumor models, or models derived from mammalian or human tissues or cells for hypothesis-testing, non-clinical research. Among many other possible endeavors, teams of applicants in response to this FOA could propose demonstrations of how to overcome translational deficiencies of mammalian oncology models, define new uses of mammalian models or their genetics for unexplored translational challenges, advance standard practices for use of translational models, test approaches to validate and credential models, or challenge current practices for how models are used translationally.

Examples of projects that are suitable for this FOA are listed in Section I. Funding Opportunity Description of this FOA.
Projects that are not appropriate for this FOA include:
• Mechanistic, non-clinical cancer research that employs mammalian models; or
• Development of a new mammalian model or models for non-clinical research.

• Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are eligible to apply.
• Applications from Foreign Organizations: Reviewers will assess whether the project presents special opportunities for furthering research programs through the use of unusual talent, resources, populations, or environmental conditions that exist in other countries and either are not readily available in the United States or augment existing U.S. resources.

• Application budgets are limited to USD $450,000 for direct costs per year.
• The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.

Please see the Funding Opportunity Announcement for further information. Applications may be prepared and submitted via the NIH ASSIST system or For complete instructions, you must refer to both the NIH Application Guide and the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), noting that instructions in the FOA take precedence over the Application Guide.

Key Dates
Letter of Intent (non-mandatory) due to NIH: Not Applicable
Applications due to UQR&I: 22 January 2019
Applications close with NIH: 5 February 2019, 5:00pm local time of applicant organisation
Future application closing dates: Standard dates apply until expiry
Expiration date of FOA: 8 May 2020

Ahead of internal review, ensure all online components on ASSIST or are complete. To initiate review, email your completed Funding Application Coversheet to Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to make contact with the UQR&I international team (via well in advance of the UQR&I internal deadline to discuss their application.
