US Agency for International Development and the Private Sector: Partnering For Impact – APS-OAA-16-000001
Sponsor: US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Closing Date: 08-Mar-2019
A Global Development Alliance (GDA) is a partnership involving USAID and the private sector where the partners work together to develop and implement activities that leverage and apply their respective assets and expertise to advance core business interests, achieve USAID’s development objectives, and increase the sustainable impact of USAID's development investments. Global Development Alliances have several core characteristics: (1) focus on development impact; (2) based on complementary interests and objectives; (3) market based approaches and solutions; (4) extensive private sector collaboration; (5) Significant private sector contributions for increased impact; and (6) increased scale, efficiency, and effectiveness.

This Annual Program Statement (APS) is an invitation to co-creation that USAID extends to the private sector and other organizations interested in working closely with the private sector to achieve significant and sustainable development results and impact.

The GDA APS is not a Request for Applications (RFA) or a Request for Proposals (RFP). Instead, the GDA APS requests Global Development Alliance Concept Papers. Based on those Concept Papers, USAID will determine whether to request a full application from an appropriate partner in a proposed alliance. In addition, this APS is not supported by specific funds. Any funding for any alliance proposed under this APS would have to be requested from the specific USAID Mission, Bureau or Independent Office with which the prospective alliance partners seek to collaborate and to which the Concept Paper will be submitted.

• USAID welcomes applications from many types of organizations including non-U.S. colleges and universities.
• A GDA must mobilize and leverage private sector assets, expertise, capabilities and resources on at least a 1:1 basis.

How to apply
• First, prospective applicants should visit the USAID website ( and follow the links to the region and then the country in which an alliance will be explored. Each country link provides important information on USAID priorities and objectives. When formulating potential alliance ideas, prospective applicants must make sure the prospective alliance will clearly address USAID’s priorities and objectives in the targeted country. Prospective applicants should also review the USAID Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) ( for the country in question.
• After reviewing the relevant USAID strategies and other publically available information, prospective applicants are encouraged to contact USAID personnel at the Mission, Bureau or Independent Office with which the applicant seeks to build an alliance and, if applicable, from which the applicant will seek funding.

Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to make contact with the UQR&I international team (via to discuss their application.

Key Dates
Concept Papers due to UQR&I: 25 February 2019
Concept Papers close with the Agency: 8 March 2019
