69th Meeting of the Nobel Laureates in Lindau – Call for Internal Nominations
Sponsor: Australian Academy of Science/Science and Industry Endowment Fund
Closing Date: 21-Sep-2018
UQ Research & Innovation seeks nominations for the Science and Industry Endowment Fund – Australian Academy of Science (AAS) Fellowships to the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting to be held in Germany, 30 June - 5 July 2019. This year, the Meeting is dedicated to physics and closely related disciplines.

Successful candidates will receive a grant-in-aid of up to $6,750 (GST exclusive) towards the cost of an international return economy airfare from Australia to the international airport closest to Lindau (up to $3,500) and participation (including accommodation) in the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (up to $3,250). In addition, successful candidates are invited and expected to attend Science at the Shine Dome, an annual celebration of science held at the Australian Academy of Science in Canberra. A travel grant of up to $500 will be provided to successful candidates, and registration costs will be covered by the Australian Academy of Science.

Institutions are limited to applying for two (2) Fellowships on behalf of two early career researchers. Therefore, an internal ranking panel will be convened to determine UQ’s applicants according to merit, based on the AAS Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting application form and the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting selection criteria available on the AAS website.

Nominations must be submitted through UQR&I. Applications sent directly to AAS or the Lindau Council will not be considered.


1. Applications are open to eligible Australian-based early career researchers in the fields of physics and closely related disciplines, including:
• Applicants currently enrolled in a research higher degree: Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Medicine (Research) (DMed(Res)) at an Australian University.
• Applicants who have (1) undertaken a research higher degree and the applicant’s most recent higher degree has been conferred for less than three years and are (2) working in an Australian university, Australian publicly-funded research organisation or research-focused institution.
The above must be current at the date of the Lindau meeting. Please note that selection will favour applicants currently undertaking doctoral studies or postdoctoral fellowships.

2. Applicants must be aged 35 years or younger at the time of the meeting.

3. Applicants will not hold a permanent position (in particular professorships).

Nomination Process
Nominations must include the following:
• Application form
• Curriculum vitae (maximum two pages)
• Recent publication list, including conference presentations (maximum two pages)
• Letter of recommendation from your academic advisor or internationally renowned scientist, including the specialist scientific expertise of the referee.

Complete applications should be submitted to UQR&I via researchawards@research.uq.edu.au by 9:00am Friday, 21 September 2018. After checking for eligibility and compliance, the applications will be forwarded to the UQ Ranking Panel, therefore late applications cannot be considered. We will arrange for the application form of successful nominees to be signed by the Director, Office of Sponsored Research, before submitting the nomination to the Australian Academy of Science on your behalf.

Further information on the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is available on the Australian Academy of Science website.
Website: http://www.science.org.au/opportunities/travel/nobel-laureates-meetings/lindau-nobel-laureate-meetings
