US Department of Defense – Defense Medical Research and Development Program (DMRDP) – Accelerating Innovation in Military Medicine (AIMM) Research Award
Sponsor: US Department of Defense
Closing Date: 26-Sep-2018
The AIMM Research Award is intended to support highly creative and conceptually innovative high-risk research with the potential to accelerate critical discoveries or major advancements that will significantly impact military health and medicine. AIMM initiative funding supports novel research concepts and other efforts that initiate or enhance potential game-changers that may not be supported by other funding mechanisms or core programs.

The ultimate impact or outcomes of projects proposed under the AIMM Research Award should help to accelerate progress in at least one of the Department of Defense (DoD) medical research program areas:
- Medical Simulation and Information Sciences
- Military Infectious Diseases
- Military Operational Medicine
- Combat Casualty Care
- Radiation Health Effects
- Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine

• Independent investigators at all academic levels (or equivalent) are eligible to apply.

Key Mechanism Elements
• Supports novel research concepts and development of enabling technologies; not intended to support incremental advances on previous or ongoing work.
• Supports applied research efforts that initiate or enhance potential game-changers; clinical trials are not allowed.
• Projects proposed should be relevant to at least one DoD medical research program area. Cross-cutting research projects with the potential to benefit multiple DoD medical research program areas are highly encouraged.
• Applications using synthetic or systems biology-based approaches or focused on autonomous healthcare are highly encouraged.
• Preliminary data that are relevant to the proposed research are encouraged, but not required.

• Maximum funding of USD $350,000 for direct costs (plus indirect costs).
• Maximum period of performance is 18 months.

Please see the U.S. Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) website at and for further information. Pre-applications are submitted via the CDMRP’s Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (EBRAP) and full applications are submitted via For complete instructions for pre-applications and full applications, you must refer to both the Program Announcement and General Application Instructions documents.

Key Dates
Pre-applications due to UQR&I:
17 September 2018 (new date)
Pre-applications (mandatory) close with US Department of Defense: 26 September 2018 (new date)
Invitation from U.S. Department of Defense to submit a full application: 16 November 2018 (new date)
Invited full applications close with US Department of Defense: 2 January 2019

Ahead of internal review, ensure all online components on EBRAP or are complete. To initiate review, email your completed Funding Application Coversheet to Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to make contact with the UQR&I international team (via well in advance of the UQR&I internal deadline to discuss their application.
