US Department of Defense – Parkinson's Research Program (PRP) – Early Investigator Research Award
Sponsor: US Department of Defense
Closing Date: 24-Sep-2018
The Parkinson's Research Program challenges the scientific community to develop impactful research that will advance the understanding of, and ultimately end, Parkinson’s disease. The vision of the PRP is to stop Parkinson’s disease by funding research through a partnership of scientists and consumers.

The PRP Early Investigator Research Award (EIRA) supports Parkinson’s disease-focused research opportunities for individuals in the early stages of their careers, under the guidance of a designated Mentor. All applications to this funding mechanism must address the following FY18 PRP EIRA Focus Area:
• Mechanisms of cognitive and psychiatric symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

• The investigator must be a postdoctoral or clinical fellow, instructor, or assistant professor within 5 years of advanced degree or residency training (or equivalent) as of the application deadline.

Key Mechanism Elements
• Supports early-career investigators who have innovative, high-impact ideas or new technologies applicable to Parkinson’s disease research and/or patient care.
• PIs must have a designated mentor who is an experienced Parkinson’s disease researcher.
• Must address the FY18 PRP EIRA Focus Area.
• Preliminary data are not required.
• Submission of a Letter of Intent is required prior to full application submission.
• Clinical trials are not allowed.

• Maximum funding of USD $340,000 for total costs (includes direct and indirect costs)
• Maximum period of performance is 2 years.

Please see the U.S. Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) website at and for further information. Pre-applications are submitted via the CDMRP’s Electronic Biomedical Research Application Portal (EBRAP) and full applications are submitted via For complete instructions for pre-applications and full applications, you must refer to both the Program Announcement and General Application Instructions documents.

Key Dates
Full applications due to UQR&I:
17 September 2018 (new date)
Pre-applications (mandatory) close with US Department of Defense: 24 September 2018 (new date)
Full applications close with US Department of Defense: 3 October 2018
Confidential Letters of Recommendation Submission Deadline: 8 October 2018

Ahead of internal review, ensure all online components on EBRAP or are complete. To initiate review, email your completed Funding Application Coversheet to Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to make contact with the UQR&I international team (via well in advance of the UQR&I internal deadline to discuss their application.
