Office Ergonomics Research Committee
Sponsor: Office Ergonomics Research Committee
Closing Date: 30-Jun-2018
Through its unique approach to funding, the OERC leverages its ability to fund scientific studies, literature searches, and research symposia to identify and fill gaps in the ergonomics knowledge base. These activities address a variety of topics, which include but are not limited to input device design, effectiveness of MSD intervention programs, visual ergonomics, challenges in portable computing, effectiveness in training, computer workstation design, psychosocial and cognitive factors in MSD etiology, physiology and improvements to research methodologies. In order to support education and information sharing regarding findings from research that it has sponsored, the OERC encourages its funded researchers to publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals. The activities supported by the OERC have added significantly to the body of knowledge on the association between office and other similar work and musculoskeletal problems.

Aims: The OERC has created a list of Research Priorities for 2018. In each of the priorities, they are interested in understanding the “ergonomic effects” on productivity and/or behaviour for each topic and practical recommendations for applying the research findings. The term effects can encompass both positive and negative effects (benefits/risks). Please see for the list.

The duration of Office Ergonomics Research Committee is up to the discretion of the applicant (total time that it will take to complete the research), with funding typically awarded at approximately US$25,000.

Please see for further information, noting that the application uses the OERC proposal template submitted to

Key Dates
Full Applications due to UQR&I:
18 June 2018
Full Applications close with OERC: 30 June 2018

For UQR&I internal review and feedback, email your application and completed Funding Application Coversheet to your UQR&I Office of Sponsored Research RAO.
