Cooperative Research Centre - Projects
Sponsor: Department of Industry, Innovation and Science
Closing Date: 27-Mar-2018
CRC-Ps are a stream of the CRC Program. CRC-Ps are a single short-term industry-identified and industry-led collaborative research project to develop a product, service or process that will solve problems for business and deliver tangible outcomes. Projects should benefit Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and increase their capacity to grow and adapt in changing markets.

Aim: The CRC Program aims to improve the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of Australian industries.

Funding Details: The maximum duration of CRC-Projects is 3 years, with funding of up to $3 million (GST exclusive).

Eligibility: The Program is open to all industry sectors and research disciplines and funding is available to all industry, research and community sectors. Applications are submitted by the Lead Organisation, which must be an Industry Entity. A CRC-P must have at least: two Australian industry entities, including at least one small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) and one Australian research organisation.

The CRC-P collaboration must at least match the amount of grant funding sought through cash and/or in-kind contributions. Whilst there is no minimum cash requirement, cash contributions (particularly from industry) will be viewed favourably.

Please see the CRC Program website for further information, noting that these applications must be submitted by the lead Industry Partner. As part of the application, a UQ delegate must sign the Participant Declaration Form (seen under the Key Documents – CRC-P webpage). The signature will be organised through UQR&I, so interested applicants should please contact UQR&I ( as soon as possible. UQR&I will also offer a service to the Industry Partner by contributing advice and assistance, on submissions where UQ is the primary university.

Applicants should provide a completed application and signed Funding Application Coversheet to in order to request the UQR&I review process, or to initiate the preparation of the Participant Declaration Form. Where cash contributions are being committed by UQ, these must be formalised by completion of a UQ Cash Commitments Proforma (available from

Internal Deadline: 12 March 2018
External Deadline: 27 March 2018

